What job opportunities are available at the MSF headquarters?

Doctora de MSF rezando por los refugiados.

In this article, we will discuss job opportunities at the headquarters of Doctors Without Borders (MSF). MSF is a non-governmental organization that provides humanitarian aid worldwide, and its headquarters in Spain offer various job opportunities for those interested in working in the humanitarian field. At … Read more

How is MSF’s work coordinated in different countries?

Grupo de médicos de MSF antes de empezar a trabajar.

MSF is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that provides medical and humanitarian assistance in areas affected by armed conflicts, epidemics, natural disasters, and other crises. Its goal is to save lives and alleviate the suffering of the most vulnerable individuals. How is this important work achieved? … Read more

How is logistic coordination carried out in MSF operations?

Voluntarios revisando los productos para su donación a los refugiados.

Today, I’d like to talk about how logistic coordination is carried out in the operations of Doctors Without Borders (MSF), a humanitarian organization that provides medical care in conflict and crisis zones around the world. Logistic coordination is an essential part of any humanitarian operation, … Read more

What skills are sought in non-medical volunteers at MSF?

Voluntaria de ONG ofreciendo su ayuda con un cartel escrito a mano.

Today, I will discuss the skills sought in non-medical volunteers at Doctors Without Borders (MSF). MSF is an international humanitarian organization that provides emergency medical assistance worldwide. However, it’s not just doctors and nurses needed in the field; the support of non-medical volunteers is also … Read more